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The Strictly Blog

Karen Groves • 24 November 2019

WEEK TEN - and then there were Six…..

And then there were Six…..

Six couples left in this week’s show after a sad goodbye to Michelle and her professional partner Giovanni who were voted out at Blackpool with their ‘voguing’ style dance. I had to agree it was not their best dance, it wasn’t awful by all means but perhaps too much of a personal statement, and not an audience pleaser. As Michelle said, they went out on their own terms dancing a routine that they really enjoyed.

So, this week there seemed to be a bit of a Blackpool hangover with none of the couples really standing out for me. The judges gave some good marks and encouragement, however in the main my own marks were rather mediocre; perhaps it’s different when you’re there at the live show, or perhaps it’s because they’re all pretty good really so expectations are that much higher.

We were treated to a crooning Bruno at the head of the show which was a pleasant surprise; I didn’t know he could sing and he has a rather nice Frank Sinatra easy listening style. Then the first couple were Saffron an AJ with a bright, party Samba that had a lot of lovely content but felt a bit heavy. Most of the judges said they liked it but I agreed with Craig, who said it was ‘…placed and heavy.’ I find I do quite often agree with Craig, but remind myself that it is an entertainment show so we need to be generous and appreciate the effort that is being put in.

There were two Couples’ Choice routines this week, one from Karim and one from Kelvin. Of the two, I felt Kelvin’s was more, as Bruno put it " cup of tea… " They danced to ‘Do I Love You’ which was beautifully performed by the orchestra and singers and well-choreographed. I would have liked to have seen less of the opening kitchen scene and more of the latter section where I think they moved into a different level and started to dance rather than act. A 9 from me but Shirley thought it was an ‘impeccable’10.

Best dressed of the evening had to be Emma and Anton’s Quickstep with Emma in her Marilyn Munroe look alike costume, hair and make-up. Emma said she had photos of Marilyn all over her home and she was so grateful to be able to ‘play’ her part in their routine. The lighting projections and chandeliers aptly matched the music, ‘Diamonds are a Girls Best Friend’ and though they made a few errors in the routine it was a powerfully delivered performance.

My personal favourite this week was Chris and Karen with their Paso to close the show. It was full of menace and captured the feel of the dance well. Chris’s ability to stay serious and keep that almost nasty look had to be admired, it’s something I struggle with and he did it very well. He also obtained some very good shaping and they looked like a couple dancing together rather than a celeb and a professional, so overall in my opinion the most improved this week.

As to who will leave the competition this week, I think the ladies are in danger overall but it’s still anyone’s game and everyone needs to up their game to get to the final. My money for the overall winner is Kelvin, but it can all change with just one dance; who do you think will be the glitterball winner. You can give a guide vote here, and looking at the listings so far it seems about right:


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